Mum accuses her colleague of FAKING her pregnancy to get an easy ride at work - after spotting somet

A MUM has accused her colleague of FAKING her pregnancy after spotting this unusual error in her ultrasound scan photo.

Mumsnet user Steeley113 reckons her co-worker - who sent her a scan pic dated from 2015 - is lying to get an easy ride at work, and took to the parenting forum to ask what others would do in her position.

Steeley explained that being pregnant in her line of work "means you're placed straight on light duties" - adding that the unnamed woman, who already has two kids under five, claims to be 13 weeks' pregnant.

She wrote: "There was some confusion initially about dating and her saying she had a miscarriage then didn’t that was all a bit suspicious but no one said anything.

"She then stated last week she went for her 12 week scan and there was no baby to be found and she was to come back the next day for another scan.

"I messaged her on Facebook following the scan to ask how it went and she said great and sent me a picture of the ‘scan’.

"The scan had been pushed up to the top but had a date on of 2015.

"She has other children and I was a bit suspicious so I checked her previous Facebook photos and found it was the exact scan of her previous child."

Steeley, who's senior to the 'liar', said she's being asked to give her time off for appointments - and can't decide whether to raise her concerns with her manager.

She added: "It will all come out eventually regardless but I see my other colleagues picking up the slack and feel quite bad that it’s all potentially made up?

"Would you go to the manager or just leave it? This girl has quite a rep for lying about things..."

And she's had a mixed response. MrsPreston11 advised: "Go to the manager. I used to work with a compulsive liar.

"As well as all the bulls*** 'sick' days she stole quite a bit of money from the company before she was caught."

While Snowydaysarehere wrote: "Def(initely) take it higher, she obviously needs some help."

And HotelEuphoria agreed, adding: "I would raise your concerns now.

"She obviously can't keep an imaginary pregnancy going forever but she can feign a miscarriage and whatever sick leave she may get as a result."

But others thought it would be better to wait and see how it all plays out.

Shedmicehugh said: "I would leave it, just in case I was wrong. Being accused of faking a pregnancy is quite an accusation. I would let the manager handle it."

While HairyWorm commented: "It is totally possible that she could have had some issues in early pregnancy and has been vague or given misinformation rather than divulge personal details.

"Personally, I would probably step back and see how it unfolds as you can't lie about a pregnancy for long."

And HopefullyAnonymous advised: "I wouldn’t say anything either. If you’re wrong, you’ll look like the crazy one! It will come out in the end if she’s lying."


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